Nature’s Frequencies charges shipping and handling on all physical product orders. The cost of shipping and handling will be added to the order total at the time of checkout. Customers are responsible for paying the shipping and handling charges during the checkout process. No COD order option is available.
Nature’s Frequencies ships all products from its corporate headquarters in the US and distributes the products to its distribution centers around the world. The list of countries where Nature’s Frequencies products can be shipped is located on the Nature’s Frequencies website. In some countries, products may be purchased only for personal use and may not be resold.
Nature’s Frequencies currently uses USPS for the majority of its shipping within the United States. Therefore, it is possible to use an address with a PO Box within the United States. If a Customer is located outside of the United States, they should verify that their address can be serviced by the international carrier used by Nature’s Frequencies in that region.
Nature’s Frequencies charges a flat shipping rate based on the costs associated with distribution in each country. International orders may also be subject to import duties and taxes (including VAT), which are incurred once a shipment reaches your destination country. Nature’s Frequencies is not responsible for these charges if they are applied.
All orders are promptly processed for shipment within 3 business days from the time of order placement. Orders received on weekends or holidays are processed for shipment on the next available business day.
US Domestic Shipping time is estimated to be an average of three to seven (3-7) days after order processing using USPS or the best available carrier for the region. International Shipping Time (Outside USA) is estimated to be an average of ten to twenty (10-20) days after order processing using the best available carrier for that region.
The shipping times provided are estimates. Shipping time could be longer based on factors such as back order status, weather conditions, carrier delays, customs delays and other circumstances beyond our control and the carrier’s control.
International orders may be subject to import duties and taxes (including VAT), which are incurred once a shipment reaches your destination country. Nature’s Frequencies is not responsible for these charges if they are applied.
Natures’ Frequencies offers a thirty (30) day money-back guarantee on their products. Customers may return products for a refund minus shipping charges by contacting Office@NaturesFrequencies.com
For assistance with any shipping questions or issues, please contact our Customer Care Department via email at Office@NaturesFrequencies.com.
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